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Lessons from the Water

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Water adopts its character depending on the situation: Peaceful in the absence of wind, nourishing to living creatures, dynamic in the form of waves, reflective on the surface, and hidden in depth. Catching its entire character is a question of perception. On a day in early spring, my family went on a weekend escape to Chiemsee in Bavaria. Surrounded by all the water the curiosity of understanding its effect on human perception took over me. Taking some sketches and practicing art was helped to express my observations on paper. At that time, I found the relationship between wind and water to be a close one. It reminded me of how water moves due to the strength that the wind transmits. How by this strength water starts to move. Driven by the idea of understanding how water is expressed and interpreted according to its diverse traits, I would find myself coming back to art and music as a possible starting point for those studies. By trying to catch the hue of different shades that water exposes, I was constantly distracted by the motion that deceived the momentary perception. As the color of water in nature is influenced by the reflection of its surroundings as well as the selective absorption and scattering of white light, its color can vary greatly with changing weather conditions, or the observation angle. The presence of so-called colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) can scatter light and contribute to the overall perception of watercolor causing certain areas to have slighter tendencies to the blue or green scale. Considering those parameters, I continued to connect to common elements as a starting point to bring the momentary perception of water onto paper. Still, with its movement, I was carried away by the changes that occurred quicker than my eyes could follow and my mind process. So, learning to interpret this motion and how it affects the perception of hue and shape offers a new space for exploration. As diverse as our perception of the water can become, its interpretation potentially uncovers the personality of its observer which is fascinating to me.